Kilimanjaro Adventure - The Mother-Child Program

Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world and life is a daily struggle for survival. Extreme diseases add to the fact that many children become orphans and must take responsibility for their house and siblings at a very early age. They grow up under unimaginable circumstances and almost half of the children under the age of 5 are underdeveloped in their physical growth, due to malnutrition.
Together with the aid organization “Compassion”, which has been working for children all over the world for 60 years, Joya founders Karl and Claudio want to help - with the "Mother-Child Program"!
The Mother-Child Program supports mothers and their children in their health, economic and social needs before and after birth. They are accompanied until their first birthday, receive medical care and are provided with daily necessities and well-being. Afterwards, they are transferred to the regular sponsorship program.
Do you want to make the world a little better and give children a better future as well? Then donate now via the donation barometer of Karl Müller and Claudio Minder.
Thank you very much!