Things to Avoid While Hiking


Even experienced hikers can find themselves in unpleasant situations due to thoughtless decisions. Keep these basic 'no-gos' in mind to make your hike safer and more enjoyable.: 

  1. Wrong Choice of Footwear:
    Inappropriate footwear can lead to blisters, pain, and injuries. Wear well-fitting, comfortable hiking boots that match the terrain of your route. Invest in high-quality shoes with good support and cushioning.
  2. Inadequate Preparation:
    Without proper planning and information about the trail, it's easy to get lost or face unexpected dangers. Study maps, directions, and terrain details in advance. Also, inform someone about your plans and expected return time.
  3. Insufficient Gear:
    Lacking or having inappropriate gear can make the hike uncomfortable or even dangerous. Make sure you're dressed appropriately for the weather, carry enough water, snacks, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, a map, and any necessary emergency equipment.
  4. Overestimating Your Abilities:
    Challenging trails or overly long distances can be physically demanding. Don't overestimate your abilities. Choose routes that match your fitness level and allow ample time for breaks and rest.
  5. Disregarding Environmental Considerations:
    Taking nature conservation seriously is crucial. Leave no trash behind, avoid restricted or protected areas, and do not disturb wildlife. Respect the rules and leave nature as you found it.

Discover Joya's outdoor shoes to be perfectly equipped for your next hiking adventure.

Thanks to their innovative sole technology, they absorb shocks while providing optimal support for your feet. This is crucial for long hikes and challenging trails. With a wide range of styles and designs, you're guaranteed to find the perfect fit that matches your hiking route and complements your personal style.

Here's a small selection of Joya's rugged yet lightweight outdoor shoes:

Sierra STX Black Cadore STX Blue
Sierra STX Black Cadore STX W Blue
€ 26995 € 25995



Sierra STX Brown / Black Denali STX Dark Blue
Sierra STX Brown / Black Denali STX Dark Blue
€ 26995 € 25995


All models come equipped with a breathable Sympatex membrane and a water-resistant construction that keeps your feet warm and dry.